We all have little ways of saying things, little phrases that we all use every day, without thinking.
The most common of these are:-
” Have you seen this?”
“Look at this.”
“did you see that?”
my response to aloof these is no, but I have never, nor will I ever take offence to them. I myself usually end a conversation with ” See you again soon,”
They are common sayings and I even do it, if I’ve been to a film having listened to the audio description, I still say ” I saw that…….film the other night, have you seen it?”
I also say that I’ve read a great book book lately, even though I listen to it. “I’ve just listened to a great film/book” just doesn’t have the same ring to it!
The reason I am writing this blog about this is because yesterday when out with a good family friend and all our kids, he went to show me a photo on his phone and stopped dead and then apologised for saying the classic “look at this”
As the day went on he continued to say ” come look at this” again apologising after each time.
This unsettled me, not because he had said these things, because he was just saying the same things that we all say (me included) but that he felt anxious by the thought that he had upset me.
How perverted would it sound if I started saying “I’ll feel you later” ! Or my friends said to me, ” Come and touch this!” I know I would probably run in the opposite direction.
So, I will continue to tell my friends that I look forward to seeing them soon and do not want my friends to cringe or feel anxious when they say ” come look at this” or “have you seen this”
So, these are just typical English sayings and part of each and everyone of us. I can’t talk for every VIP or people with other disabilities, but I doubt they would take offence either.
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