Rule 1 of working with a guide dog: TRUST. So, when your faithful guide tries to turn you around because there is something blocking your path, you go with her, right? ……… WRONG!
In this instance a MoP explained that the cycle path had a puddle covering it, it wasn’t deep, (she had just walked through it) but to Mizz Fizz, this is an obstacle, so when she turned me around, I turned her back I wouldn’t allow her to turn me around again, she sat down and refused to move!
Arguing with your guide dog gets you no where (apparently) and they don’t understand sarcasm. (which is utter rubbish)
So, handle down and I took the lead, yes the ‘blind one’ was guiding the guide dog through the puddle …. I say guiding, is was more of a drag, resulting in her getting much wetter than if she had just walked though. With several laughs from passing cyclist who had stopped to watch the performance! Madam was clearly showing me her Stubborn Retriever side today.
The ridiculous thing is, had she not been in her work uniform (lead and harness). She would have had no issues running through said puddle. Probably even laying down to roll around and splash about.
(MoP is an abbrievieation for Member of the Public)