Back in 2014 after initial genetic screening was ‘inconclusive’ Proffessor Moore at Moorfields ask my permission to enter my blood into the 100,000 Genome Project. A project conducted by the NHS looking specifically at cancers and rare diseases to support treatments, diagnosis and research. (For full details on the project please visit
As the name suggests it is a research programme that looks at all 100,000 genes. So I was advised it would take some time before any results were expected back.
However, Prof had felt that given my various conditions that were going on with my eyes I would most likely have some interesting results come back.
Fast forward 5 years and this arrived in the post.

Preliminary results for my genes are in, but to look at these in more detail I have been asked to send in more blood! Thankfully I was able to book in with my local doctors surgery and pop my samples back in the post. (Which is exactly what I did)
In the meantime I had my bi-annual visit to Moorfields, where the registra I saw started to explain the preliminary findings; Prof wasn’t wrong in his thoughts !!!
Which all I can say at this time is that they are most certainly interesting and not what was suspected at all. Not in a bad way, no illnesses or disturbing diseases were discovered; but in a way that has opened more questions than it has answered.
So, now to wait up to a year for the detail results to come back and hopefully a clearer understanding….. Watch this space.