Today marks Five Fabulous Years since I was signed off as having qualified with Vicky, my guide dog. In that time, she has given me so very much, at a time of sadness, sorrow and increasing darkness, she has given me love, support, companionship and above all else….. Independance.
Without her guid are readding ing me, protecting me, showing me the way, I honestly feel that the darkness would have taken over, and it is propable that I may not even be here today to tell you these tales.
I know you, you are reading this thinking “she has sightloss, its not terminal.” Which yes is true, but with my sightloss, came depression. And if not treated, it can become all consuming and that can be a terminal illness.
I’m not here to talk of that though, I am here to talk about how much I have gotten from my gorgeous guiding girl.
She is a dog, YES. But actually, she is a walking, breathing, living mobility aid.
Without her by my side, I wouldn’t be leaving the house. I wuldn’t be able to take the kids to the park, I most deinately wouldn’t be contemplating returning to Uni next year.
As my guideing star, a friend has nominated Vicky for an award with Guide Dogs. She is in the final 3 for the ‘life changing award’ to be decided at the annal Guide Dog Gala Dinner, to be held in December in London.
Me and Vicky have been invited to the awards ceremony, which if she wins her catagory, she will also be put forward to be crowed as Guide Dog of the Year.
I am very excited, to win this award wold be fabulous recognition of all that she has done for me. I already know all of this, so if the judges don’t pick her, it won’t change my ove for her and my appreciation for having her by my side for the past five years.