Tonight when popping onto Facebook and catching up with my friends news a fellow ‘blindie’ posted about the trouble they had had when booking a table for a family dinner, when doing so she informed them about her guide dog that would be joining them.
She put up on Facebook that they would not recommend her bringing her guide dog is she could leave it home guide dog.
Having eaten at the restaurant before it is a tiny place, not that it is overcrowded, just small. When I ate there it was for a family celebration and as I was going to be enjoying the wine I left my trusted pooch home.
When in the restaurant, the waiters seemed to be struggling to move around the tables as all of the tables were occupied. The tables themselves were quite small especially considering the fact the meals included so many dishes per person.
I am maybe the one who is the devils advocate here, but I do try to look at both sides. To clarify I wasn’t part of the phone conversation, so can only comment on what has been posted on Facebook.
My friend who I shall call Bee says that when booking the table the person she spoke with was very rude.
As a guide dog owner I too have been on the receiving end of rudeness or in most cases, lack of understanding. It is surprising how many people, especially shop and restaurant owners aren’t aware that guide dogs and other assistants dogs are cleared by environmental health to enter their premises.
Bee felt that the restaurant were very rude and is asking guide his team to get involved because if the situation.
But is it real rudeness?
Is it a language barrier? On the telephone voices and accents can sound rude, when they are not understood or heard in the correct context.
Or is it something deeper?
Is it that as someone who is often discriminated against starts off on the back foot?
For those that have faced discrimination or difference just like me become overly defensive and instead of being assertive, form aggression toward certain subjects ?
As the post suggests, it’s all in the perception!!
If you read a Facebook status that a guide dog had been refused entry into a restaurant because of their guide dog. How would you respond?
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