It is true to say that many people only think of guide dogs as well trained, hard working dogs. This is of-course true; however there is also the puppy that comes out to play when the harness is removed.
As part of fizz’s work she, like us humans needs to have her down time; her run around with other dogs and possibly much more importantly that time where she can stick her nose to the ground and have a good sniff and as my son calls it ‘check her Pee-Mail’s’ which she doesn’t do when in harness.
This weekend was proof that she has plenty of time to explore and have no responsibility.
This weekend we met up with her dog friend Dave, we walked in fields, beaches and along the canal. She got to sniff, roll, swim and run.
She certainly did not act like a 10 year old guide dog, she certainly covered double if not more than the 8 miles I walked.
She met other dogs, soaked in expecting passers-by and even enjoyed a sneaky empty ice-cream cone.
A new friend we were with commented “I thought guide dogs were always working and well behaved?”
Nope and Nope!
She wasn’t naughty, she was just ‘being a dog’
So, it’s not all work and actually when she has had a really good run it can actually improve her work.
It’s all about having a good work-life balance.
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