Ten days ago I CLIMBED A CHEESE-GRATER: All 225m plus a little extra for good measure.
It seems so much longer than 10 days. Part of this is because my hands are shredded like they were after The Gherkin Climb, which although it was a much shorter climb that this one, it was at a time when I firstly hadn’t been climbing very long and secondly I wasn’t as physically fit as I am now.
I won’t lie, it was hard.
It was emotionally exhausting.
It was uncomfortable.
And almost a hard slap in the face to how differently I could see and hear inside the climbing centre. So much so that at one point mid-climb that found me 2/3rds of the way up a wall I strategically removed and dropped my hearing aids into the awaiting hands of my climbing partner.
During the climb we had the additional media of not one but two GoPro (like) pieces of recording equipment. We took lots of footage, we shared ‘live’ videos on Facebook during the challenge. We do however have a fair amount of editing to do before we can share the ‘helmet’ footage or even the footage I didn’t realise was recorded.
This editing is only to remove some of the ‘colourful language’ used, we also have to mindful of copyright on music that was being broadcasted in the background!
It is coming together though, there is some fantastic footage of both myself and Simon my climbing partner accessing and defending the wall. Simon even talked through descriptively on his final climb!
The support, emotionally, encouragingly and financially have been higher than I ever expected.
At the time of writing this post, HelpTeeHear had raised £900 online and a further £100 off-line. That is One-Fifth of the total hoped for.
So for now, I say thank you; THANK YOU; thank you.
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